1. Budget Manager

How to create/add a new budget line item

How to add Vendors to a budget line item

How to Lock & Unlock budget

How to set Default List & Cost Codes for Budget Manager

How to enable Mark-up Fee for Budget Line Items

Planner Settings for Budget Manager

How to set Default Apps for CO, Contracts, Invoices, Estimates, Bid, T&M

How to associate Manufacturer & Model Number for Budget Line Item of type Equipment

How to allow / restrict duplicate budget line items for the same cost codes

  1. Bid Manager

How to create a new bid

How to modify Bid Details & Budget Line Items in a bid

How to add Reference Files to a bid

How to add Bidders

How to Post a Bid

How to respond to a Bid Query

How to Award a Bid

How to schedule a Bid

What are the different statuses of a Bid

  1. Bid Responses

How to acknowledge intent to bid or decline a bid

How to download Reference Files

How to post a Bid Query

How to respond to a Bid / Submit a Bid Response

How to add new items to a Bid Package

  1. Vendor Contracts

How to create a new vendor contract manually

How to verify a system created vendor contract from a bid package

How to add budget line items to a vendor contract

Auto population of vendor details from budget line items / tags

How to set Schedule of Values for vendor contracts

How to setup Billing Schedule for vendor contracts

How to add contract files to vendor contracts

How to Lock & Post a Vendor Contract

How to Route a Vendor Contract for Approval

How to authorize a Vendor Contract

How to update Schedule of Values (Active - Unlocked) for a Vendor Contract

What are the different statuses of a Vendor Contract

Update Vendor Contract for a Change Event (Active Unlocked - Need SOV Update)

  1. Client Contracts

How to create a new client contract

How to modify Contract Details

How to set Schedule of Values for client contracts

How to add contract files to client contracts

How to set Schedule of Values for client contracts

How to setup Billing Schedule for client contracts

How to Lock & Post a client contract

How to Route a client contract for Approval

How to authorize a client contract

How to update Schedule of Values (Active - Unlocked) for a Client Contract

What are the different statuses of a Client Contract

Update Client Contract for a Change Event (Active Unlocked - Need SOV Update)

  1. Vendor Pay App

Create a new Vendor Pay App

Vendor Pay App auto-generated by System

Manual creation of Vendor Pay App

Pay Application Details for Vendor Pay App

Schedule of Values for Vendor Pay App

Adding Lien Waiver to a Vendor Pay App

Edit Vendor Pay App by GC

Edit Vendor Pay App by Sub Contractor

Authorize Vendor Pay App by Sub Contractor

Reject Vendor Pay App by Sub Contractor

Delete Vendor Pay App 

Different statuses of Vendor Pay App

  1. Client Pay App

Create a new Client Pay App

Client Pay App auto-generated by System

Manual creation of Client Pay App

Pay Application Details for Client Pay App

Schedule of Values for Client Pay App

Adding Lien Waiver to a Client Pay App

Edit Client Pay App by GC

Edit Client Pay App by Client

Authorize Client Pay App by Client

Reject Client Pay App by Client

Delete Client Pay App 

Different statuses of Client Pay App

  1. Change Events

Create Change Event by GC

Modify Change Event Details - Details, Reference Files

Submit Change Event by GC 

Authorize Change Event by Client

Reject Change Event by Client

Revise & Resubmit Change Event by Client

System auto-creates new client & vendor contracts for a Change Event

Manually update client & vendor contracts for a Change Event

Update Budget Items through a Change Event

Send Quote Request to Vendors

Vendor Responds to Quote Requests

View & Accept Quote from Vendor

Revise & Resubmit Quote from Vendor

Ignore Quote from Vendor

Client creates a new Change Event

Accept Change Event by GC

Reject Change Event by GC

Revise & Resubmit Change Event by GC

Different Statuses of Change Events

Last Updated: Dec-10-23