Certifications tab in the Project Team User Details allows Safety or Admin Manager to view and Verify the Certifications of Project Team members.

Certifications Tab in User Details in Project Team

  • The Safety Manager, Admin or Super Admin clicks 'Test Based Certification' to Configure Questions. The Certifications Tab has information as shown below

Device View

Safety Admin or Admin Views - Safety Admin or Admin Views 'Test Based Certification' Results

Safety Manager or Admin can click on a 'Test Based Certification' that has been completed to view a User's Test Results.

  • Admin or Safety Manager clicks on a 'Test based Certification' that has already been completed to view test results.


Tablet View

The feature remains same as that of the desktop version. Below is the key screen for Tablet.


  • A Popup 'Test Results' window will appear with a ‘cover page’ and results for the 'Test Based Certification'. The 'Cover Page' window contains the following information

Device View

  • The Test Results Pages contain the following information as shown 

Device View

Sample Right Answers for Test Results


Safety Admin or Admin Uploads Certificate' File from Certification Tab

In Project Settings > Project Team, in User Details under the 'Certifications Tab' option, a Safety Manager or Admin has the option to ‘Take a Photo’ or 'Upload Certificate'.

  • Admin clicks on an 'Upload Certification' Thumbnail to upload one or more Upload Certification Files.

Tablet View

  • A Toast message appears with 2 options: Take photos and Upload. Safety Manager clicks on the 'DONE' option.

  • Safety Admin selects files to upload and clicks the ‘Open Button’.


  • After Images are opened, Safety Admin has the option to Edit or Delete any of the selected files. Safety Admin clicks the 'DONE' button to Upload the selected images.

Tablet View

  • The uploaded image is shown in the file thumbnail. Additionally,  a blue circle with a number is of additional photos uploaded is shown. 

Tablet View

Quick View of Upload Images

  • Safety Admin double clicks on an Image to see a Quick View of the Image.

Tablet View

  • The Standard Quick View window shows the Image with Name & click through to additional image.

Tablet View

Resend Certification Link

  • Admin or Safety Admin clicks on the 'Resend the Certification Link' Button.

Tablet View

  • Admin will receive a Toast stating "Certification link sent successfully!".

Tablet View

  • The Worker Registration Email with certification link gets sent to User. User can click on the 'Certifications' button to manage Certifications.

  • User is sent to the Manage Certificates/Certifications URL after clicking the 'Certifications' Button.

  • When all Certifications have been Completed, User will see below screen.


Tablet View

When No Certificates/Certifications are available for User

  • In the Project Team panel in Project Settings, under the 'Certifications' Tab, when No Certificates / Certifications are available for a User, Safety Admin will see the following watermark.

Tablet View

Policy and certification status columns in Project Team

  • In the Project Team > Project Settings > 'Safety Settings', there are 2 new Project Team columns the Policy and Certification Status with Verified, Not verified and expired status


Last Updated: Dec-10-23