Users can Click on the Dropdown Search Bar below the Main Menu, to Search Files on the Drive on the Desktop.

In the Search Menu,  you have the following Search Options at your disposal:

Search By File Types:  Return search results for All File Types or a Specific File Type 

The options are: (Defaults to 'Any"):  Any, Drawings, Photos, Sketch, 360, BIM, Schedule, Workspace, Simulation, Sequence, Files, Media, Videos, LiveLink Videos, Daily Photos, LiveNote

Search by Item Name:  Returns Search Results with the Item Name entered.

Search by Owner: You can select Any One, Owned by Me or Specific Person:

If you select Specific Person, a field will show that lets you select a Specific Person.

Search in a Specific Drive Folder:  You have the option to Select a Specific Folder Location to Search in from all the available Folders existing in the Drive, by click on the Folder Field to view Location Options.

Team Last Modified:  You have the option to Filter Search Results by the last time Items were modified by Team Members.

The options are: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Custom.

Search by Files Routes:  This Option lets you search for any specific Files that are in Documents across the Drive that have been Routed.

The options are: My Active Routes, My Previous Routes, Both - My Active & Previous Routes, Active Routes, Previous Routes, Both - Active & Previous Routes.


Search by Specific Words in Documents:  This Option lets you search for any specific words that are in Documents across the Drive.

Search by File Tags and/or Location Tags: Searching by File or Location Tags will only return items that contain the Specific Tags you are searching for. User can click on the Checkbox to include App Files.

Last Updated: Dec-10-23