Once Drawings Files have been Uploaded to your Drawings Folder,  you have the option to  View and Edit File Information through the Item Information Panel.

  • To open the Item Information Panel, simply Tap on the Triple Dot Menu Icon on an Item to view that Item's Options.

  • In the Selected Item Triple Dot Menu,  Tap on the 'Info' Option to view the Selected Item's Info Panel.

  • The Info Panel will show with Information about the Selected Drawing.

The Following Information is Editable in the Info Panel on Mobile:

Drawing Sheet Name : Click on the edit pencil to the right of the Drawing Sheet Name to make the Name Editable.

Revision : Clicking on the Revision in the Info Panel will open the Revision Window.  You have the option to Upload Revisions of the Selected File.  

Note: Revision Preferences can be set under FIELD Settings > Revisions

Description : Click on the edit pencil to the right of the Description field to make the Description Editable.

Make available offline for device: Turning the option ON, will make the selected Item available for your devices even when the Device is offline.

Editing File Tags: You have the option to Add/Edit/Delete File and Location Tags for the Selected Item.  

Last Updated: Dec-10-23