When 'Safety Tracking' is turned ON in Project Settings > SAFETY Settings, a 'Safety Policies' Folder will appear in the Drive.

  • To create a Safety Policy, get started by first creating a Safety Policies Sub Folder.  Create a Safety Sub Folder by clicking the Green + Button in the bottom right of the screen.  Give the Sub Folder a name and click 'Create'.

  • In the Safety Policies Sub Folder,  Click the Green + to Select from ORG or Upload Safety Policies.

Select from ORG

  • The Select from ORG will allow the selection of Policies from the list and add to the Project.


Upload Safety Policies

  • Click on the upload safety policies from the FAB (+) Add button.


  • Drag and drop you file(s) into the upload window or select from cloud or select from Local to get started. 


  • With File(s) added, you have the option of editing the 'Display Name',  and Selecting Trades for the File(s). Click the Blue Upload Button to Upload your File(s).
  • The Uploaded File now shows in the Safety Policies Folder you selected.

How to Configure Questions for a Selected Policy

  • You can Configure Questions for Policies by first Selecting a Policy, then by clicking on the 'Configure Questions to Policy'.

  • In the Configure Questions window, you can create a Checklist by Dragging Question Types to the left window.

  • With Questions added, click the 'Save' button to Save the Configured Questions for the selected Safety Policy.
  • Selecting a file will also allow Refresh, Delete, Open in Sketch, Download, Copy, Settings and Multi file policy manager.

Last Updated: Dec-10-23