Route File Metadata - SINGLE UPLOAD  

  • File Metadata can be configured to be either Single File upload or Multi File Upload. Based on if the File Metadata is either Single or Multi Upload, the User Interface for File Route will be different. A Toolbar button to configure a Route has been introduced to the File Metadata Toolbar.  

          Note: The examples and content is related to For Single Upload: File Metadata configuring a File Route.


  1. Tapping on the File Route Toolbar button will invoke the existing 'Create Route' window.

        4. Once a File is routed via File, The Image will get the Route Watermark.  

Device Screen Example: 


Route File Metadata - Toolbar Options 

  1. When a File is being ACTIVELY Routed, some of the Toolbar buttons are disabled until the file route is complete  

  • Add - Disabled when Route is Active   

  • Version - Disabled when Route is Active   

  • Sketch - Opens sketch and invoke the Route Widget  

  • Download - Enabled when Route is active  

  • Route - When the Route is Active, Clicking on this button will invoke the Route details in Read ONLY mode 

  • Cancel Route - Enabled when Route is Active  

  • Delete - Disabled when Route is Active  

2. When a File is Actively Routed, if Sketch is Clicked while the User is NOT part of the Route, then the following pop-up will show: 'File is being Actively Routed to other team members, While the route is active, the File will open in View Only. Are you sure you want to continue?'. Clicking on 'Yes' will open the File in Sketch Read Only mode. 

Cancel Route  

ACTIVE Routes can be canceled using the 'Cancel Route' toolbar button, which will ONLY be ENABLED for Project Owners and App admins. A normal User who has access to the App cannot cancel the route and the toolbar button will be disabled at all times. 

App Files - View Routed Files  

  1. Users can view the Files routed via File Metadata from the App Files folder in Drive. 

  1. Files that were Routed via File Metadata, in the App Files Folder will show the Route Watermark.  

  2. Selecting the Routed file and clicking on the Route toolbar button will show the Route details.  

  3. Info Panel will show the Route History as a new section and show the Route data as well the history of the previous Route. 

  1. Double Tapping on the File Metadata honors the Route Security. If a User who is not part of the Route tries to open the File, then the below popup is shown, and the file can only be opened in read only mode. If a User who is part of the Route tries to open the File in Sketch then Sketch is invoked with the Route Widget open.

Route File MD File from App Files Folder  

  1. File Metadata Files can also be Routed from the App Files Folder using the Route Toolbar button.  

  2. Selecting the File Metadata and Routing from App Files is the same as Routing via the Smart Item by navigating into File Metadata and Routing it from there. If the File Metadata file is routed from App Files, the same is written to the File in File Metadata of the Smart Item and vice versa.  

  3. An Active File Route can be Canceled from the File INFO panel in Version/Revision for the File, for App File > File Metadata that is routed, the CANCEL Route button will be available in the toolbar. Users who created the File and Users with Manage permissions can cancel the Route.  

Route via File Metadata when Item is NOT Saved  

When a Smart Item is NOT SAVED/Draft, the Route icon is shown. When the route icon is clicked, the User is prompted to save the items first and then the Add Route page is invoked.

Route File Metadata - MULTI File Upload 

  1. File Metadata can either be Single File Upload or Multi File upload. For File Metadata that is of type Multi, Clicking on the Route toolbar button will show a toast 'Select One or more Files to Route'.

  1. When the Route toolbar button is clicked, 2 options will be available  

a. Select to Route  

b. Select All

  1. Users can Individually select files to Route or Select All the files part of File Metadata to Route. 

  1. To individually Route, Click on the 'Select Files to Route' checkbox and click on the PREV/NEXT arrow and  navigate to the other file and select the checkbox on that file to Route OR press the Select ALL button on the right corner to Route all the files part of the File Metadata. As the User selects the Files to Route the count 'Selected X' will be displayed. 

  1. Once the Files to Route have been selected, Clicking on the Toolbar button will invoke the Create Route window.


  1. Once a File is routed via File, The Image will get the Route Watermark. When a File is being ACTIVELY Routed, some of the Toolbar buttons are DISABLED until the file route is complete

  • Add - Enabled when Route is Active   

  • Version - Disabled when Route is Active   

  • Sketch - Opens sketch and invoke the Route Widget  

  • Download - Enabled when Route is active  

  • Route - When the Route is Active, Clicking on this button will invoke the Route details in Read ONLY mode 

  • Cancel Route - Enabled when Route is Active  

  • Delete - Disabled when Route is Active  

  1. For the Files that are NOT routed, the normal toolbar buttons are shown.

Device Screen Example:  

User is able to STAMP via devices. 


Last Updated: Dec-10-23