Attachments to Display 'Created By' & 'Created Date' Column

1. For Attachments on MTA & Enterprise, the 'Created By' & 'Created Date' columns are added to the Grid. The ordering of the information is as follows:



    Created By

    Created Date

    Uploaded By

    Uploaded Date

    File Tags

    Location tags

Comments to Show Date & Time Stamp
1. The 'Comments' widget has been updated to be detailed in this section:

a. 'Watermark' has been updated as shown in the image below.

2. Once the ‘Comment’ panel opens, the cursor starts blinking so that User can enter comment.

3. Once a comment is added,  ‘Date & Time’ stamp is available just below the comment with following information:

a. Just Now - when a comment is just added.

b. <x> seconds ago

c. <x> minutes ago

d. Within 24hours <x> hours ago

e. After 24 hours, shows the actual date & time the comment was added

Last Updated: Dec-10-23