Click on 'File Route' tile will display a combination of all Routes that are Active to the logged in User. Count shown in the Tile is the count of Active Route assigned to you that needs Stamping. The Route Queue does not have Grouping/Filtering options, you can search the Queue or Sort the list Ascending/Descending. 


Tablet screens

The functionalities remain same as that of the desktop version. Below are some key screens for Tablet version.


  • From the List of multiple Active routes select a route and click on the Stamp button to  stamp the route.


  • Clicking on Stamp button will show a popup confirmation message 'Do you want to open the file in Sketch and Stamp?' Click on 'Yes' to load the Sketch File that needs to be stamped and Stamp File will be open by default.


Tablet screens

The functionalities remain same as that of the desktop version. Below are some key screens for Tablet version.

How to?

How to use a Tile in My WorkSpace

How to use File Route Tile in My WorkSpace

How to use Block Chain Tile in My WorkSpace

How is a Zero Tasks Tile in My WorkSpace

How to use Filter Option for Tasks in My WorkSpace 

How to use Grouping in My WorkSpace

How to use Sorting of Tasks in My WorkSpace

How to use GPS location on a Task in My WorkSpace

How to use Project location on a Task in My WorkSpace

How to use Block Chain Enabled Project in My WorkSpace

How to use Active File Route in My WorkSpace

How to LiveLink Tile in My WorkSpace

How to Minimize My Workspace

Last Updated: Dec-10-23