The Planner/Field/Safety Tabs display as the landing page along with Apps, Analytics & Map Mode for easy navigation. The Field and Safety Tabs have been newly added as two new Tabs along with the Planner to the Navigation Bar as shown below.


User can tap on each Tab to navigate to it and it will show the different options available in that particular section. Tapping on any of the options listed in the Planner/Field /Safety Tabs section would take you to the settings page directly. 

Users have the option to pin the Tabs in the Theme Settings according to their preference and usage.

The Theme Settings  will allow the User to set the view of the other tabs in the newly added Tab Settings section as shown below. 

Users can switch to the Vertical View from the Horizontal View using the toggle button on the top left corner as shown in the image below

Note: Users can navigate to Drive Mode via Planner, Field or Safety Tab. Likewise, Users can navigate to Planner related Apps via Planner Tab, Field related Apps via Field Tab & Safety related App via Safety Tab. 

Last Updated: Dec-10-23