The BIM Extract Wizard will help you extract the Floor and Room data from a BIM File if you have not added your Location Hierarchy in Project Settings > Locations.  To get started, click the '+' Add Level button to add a New Level as shown below.



  •  In the 'Add Level' screen, add a Level Name and select the BIM 'Spatial Type' option.

  •  With the 'Level Name' and 'Spatial Type' filled out, click the 'SAVE' button to Save the New Level.



  • Add a Name in the Level List View as shown below.


  •  In the BIM Column, click the 'Select BIM' option to select a BIM File to Extract.

  • In the 'Select BIM' window, you will see BIM files you have previously uploaded to your Drive. Click to select a BIM file you want to Extract.  


  • With the file selected, you can toggle the 'Create' location (Storeys and Data)? OFF if necessary.   Click 'Done' to Extract the File Data.   

           NOTE: You also have the option to click the 'View Levels' option and view levels before importing. 


Example of the 'View Levels' panel.

  • With your BIM Extract started, you will see a toast stating "The location extract process may take a while to complete. We will notify you via email once completed."   


  • Once you receive your Email,  your BIM File has been extracted.  Go back to Project Locations and doublecheck your Location Hierarchy and Drawing files for accuracy.


Last Updated: Dec-10-23