Project configured as a Polygon (Jobsite)

This new spatial feature with which users can draw polygons on map after the polygon for jobsite has been created. There are no changes for any other levels and this will not have any impact for Linear project or any levels under the hierarchical levels. 

As a project can be configured as a Polygon Project (default selection) or can be edited and configured as a Linear Project, we are showing that the project under is configured as a polygon project. It will be no different if the Project is configured as a Linear Project.

Ex: If Jobsite level tags created will be of linear type (for a particular segment or part of a segment) and the tags created below them will follow the same Project locations.

 Jobsite is configured as a Project Polygon.

Creating Map Polygon (Sibling of Map Polyline/Map point, optional)

Under the Jobsite, the next child node that can be created in the hierarchy can be either a Polygon or a

Polyline or a Map Point or a Drawing or a BIM. The change is that all or any of these levels will be created as siblings to the Parent Jobsite. It is not mandatory to create all of these node types (Polygon or

Polyline or Point). Users can create any one of these nodes and then create child nodes for that particular node.

The ability to add a polygon and/or polyline has been reintroduced.

1. User clicks on the '+' in the left toolbar to add a new child node

2.  'Add Level' popup is shown.

3. User enters level name and clicks on the 'Spatial Type' which has the following options:

    a. None

    b. Map - Polygon

    c. Map - Polyline

    d. Map - Point

    e. BIM

    f. Drawing

4. User can start creating his 2nd node with any of these options.

Example: He can start with map-polygon and create a drawing node under it OR he can directly start

from the Drawing node itself OR he can create a node by setting it to None and then the next node can be

again started with any of the above mentioned options. In our example, we are setting the new node to

Map - Polygon.

5. In our example, User creates a node by name 'Terminals' and setting the Spatial Type to 'Map - Polygon'

6. The Terminals node is auto selected in the left pane. The 'List View' tab is highlighted in the right pane.

7. There is no change in the functionality of creating Metadata to the node. (by clicking on the toolbar button. Also, the limited set of Metadata types remains as it is)

8. The First column of the grid 'Terminals' will have the first row 'Add Here...', which enables the user to add different terminals to the node created, and can also add the metadata values.

9. Since the Spatial Type is set as 'Map Polygon', they can be mapped on the 'Map View' tab.

10. To do so, the User clicks on the 'Map' icon in the last row. This will navigate the user to the 'Map View' tab. A toast message is shown instructing him to draw a polygon and once done, he can click on the 'Green Tick' to confirm the polygon.

11. Once confirmed by clicking on the 'Green Tick' icon, the User is navigated back to the 'List View' tab and the already mapped terminal is shown in the BLUE color icon, indicating that that terminal has already been mapped.

Note: On the map, on mouse hover on the polygon, the terminal name is shown as tooltip. The color of

polygon is a hard coded color that the application assigns.

12. By following the above steps, the User can map all the terminals that he has listed in the List View on the map.

Creating Map Polyline (Sibling of Map Polygon/Map point, optional)

Under the Jobsite, the next child node that can be created in the hierarchy can be either a Polygon or a

Polyline or a Map Point or a Drawing or a BIM. The important change is, all or any of these levels created will be created siblings to the Parent Jobsite. It is not mandatory to create all of these (Polygon or polyline or

Point). Users can create any one of these and then create child nodes for that particular node.

The ability to add a polygon and/or polyline has been reintroduced.

1. Users selects the Jobsite clicks on the '+' in the left toolbar to add a new child node

2. Users are displayed the 'Add Level' popup.

3. Users enter level names and click on the 'Spatial Type'. It has the following options:

    a. None

    b. Map - Polygon

    c. Map - Polyline

    d. Map - Point

    e. BIM

    f. Drawing

4. Users can start creating his 2nd level node with any of these options.

Example: He can start with map-polygon and create a drawing node under it OR he can directly start

from the Drawing node itself OR he can create a node by setting it to None and then the next node can be

again started with any of the above mentioned options. In our example, we are setting this new node to

Map - Polyline.

5. In our example, Users create a node by name 'Runways' and set the Spatial Type to 'Map - Polyline'.

Note: This node gets created directly under Jobsite and as a sibling node to the Polygon


6. The 'Runways' node is auto selected in the left pane. The 'List View' tab is highlighted in the right pane.

7. There is no change in the functionality of creating Metadata to the node. (by clicking on the toolbar button. Also, the limited set of Metadata types remains as it is)

8. The First column of the grid 'Runways' will have the first row 'Add Here...', which enables the user to add different runways to the node created, and can also add the metadata values.

9. Since the Spatial Type is set as 'Map Polyline', they can be mapped on the 'Map View' tab.

10. To do so, Users click on the 'Map' icon in the last column. This will navigate the user to the 'Map View' tab. A toast message is shown instructing him to draw a polyline and once done, he can click on the 'Green Tick' to confirm the polyline.

11. Once confirmed by clicking on the 'Green Tick' icon, the Users are navigated back to the 'List View' tab and the already mapped runway is shown in the BLUE color icon, indicating that that runway has already been mapped.

Note: On the map, on mouse hover on the polyline, the runway name is shown as tooltip. (which is

mapped). The color of the polyline is a hard coded color that the application assigns.

12. By following the above steps, Users can map all the runways that they have listed in the List View on the map.

Creating Map Point (Sibling of Map - Polygon/Map - Polyline, optional)

Under the Jobsite, the next child node that can be created in the hierarchy can be either a Polygon or a

Polyline or a Map Point or a Drawing or a BIM. The important change is, all or any of these levels created will be created siblings to the Parent Jobsite. It is not mandatory to create all of these (Polygon or polyline or Point). Users can create any one of these and then create child nodes for that particular node.

1. Users selects the Jobsite clicks on the '+' in the left toolbar to add a new child node

2. Users are displayed the 'Add Level' popup.

3. Users enter level name and click on the 'Spatial Type'. It has the following options:

    a. None

    b. Map - Polygon

    c. Map - Polyline

    d. Map - Point

    e. BIM

    f. Drawing

4. Users can create 2nd level nodes with any of these options.

Example: He can start with map-polygon and create a drawing node under it OR he can directly start

from the Drawing node itself OR he can create a node by setting it to None and then the next node can be

again started with any of the above mentioned options. We are setting this new node to Map - Point.

5. In our example, Users creates a node by name 'Fuel Stations' and setting the Spatial Type to 'Map - Point'

Note: This node gets created directly under Jobsite and as a sibling node to the Polygon node(Terminals) and polyline node (Runways).

6. The 'Fuel Stations' node is auto selected in the left pane. The 'List View' tab is highlighted in the right pane.

7. There is no change in the functionality of creating Metadata to the node. (by clicking on the toolbar button.

Also, the limited set of Metadata types remains as it is)

8. The First column of the grid 'Fuel Stations' will have the first row 'Add Here...', which enables the user to add different Fuel Stations to the node created, and can also add the metadata values.

9. Since the Spatial Type is set as 'Map Point', they can be mapped on the 'Map View' tab.

10. To do so, Users click on the 'Map' icon in the last column. This will navigate the user to the 'Map View' tab.

A toast message is shown instructing him to drop a map point and once done, he can click on the 'Green Tick' to confirm the point.

11. Once confirmed by clicking on the 'Green Tick' icon, the Users are navigated back to the 'List View' tab and the already mapped fuel station is shown in the BLUE color icon, indicating that that runway has already been mapped.

Note: On the map, on mouse hover on the polyline, the runway name is shown as tooltip. (which is

mapped). The Map Point icon is hard coded that is shown on the map.

12. By following the above steps, Users can map all the fuel stations that they have listed in the List View on the map.

Adding a child node to 'Terminals' Node (Spatial Type: Drawing)


For Example: We have created 3 child nodes to the Jobsite (Terminals - Spatial Type = Map Polygon, Runways - Spatial Type = Map Polyline and Fuel Stations-Spatial Type = Map Point). These are all siblings of

each other and child nodes of the Jobsite.

There is absolutely no change in the creation of child nodes or its metadata (Optional) and its functional behavior.

1. Users select the ‘Terminals’ node and click on the '+' button to create a child node and open the 'Add Level' popup.

2. Enter ‘Level Name’ as ‘Terminal Levels’ and select ‘Drawings’ as the ‘Spatial Type’ and save the level.

3. The level is created. Users can add the different levels to the node.

4. Since the Spatial settings is set to 'Drawings', now should upload drawings of levels to the individual

instances of the levels(Terminal Levels).

5. User can now create the next child node and set Spatial Type to 'On Drawing'.

Adding a child Node to 'Terminal Levels' - (Spatial Type: On Drawing)

Any number of hierarchical child nodes can be created under the 'Terminal Levels' node with Spatial Type set to 'On Drawing'.

1. Users select the node ‘Terminal Levels’ in the left pane. Click on the '+' to open the 'Add Level' popup.

2. Add the node name 'Wings' and set the Spatial Setting to 'On Drawing' and save the node.

3. Select a 'Terminal', a ‘Terminal Level' and highlight the 'Wings' node and start creating different wings for the node.

Important: Since the location has already been selected in Project location, the 'Select Location boundary' popup will auto-fill the location. User decides to pick an 'Existing Object' or 'Draw New Polygon' in the popup and maps the location. This is true for every On-Drawing location being mapped on Sketch.


Example of child nodes created for different spatial types

Example of a hierarchy for which the child nodes have been created for all the spatial types that can be defined under the Project.

Bangalore International Airport(Project)

- Terminals (Map Polygon)

- Terminal Levels(Drawing)

- Wings (On Drawing)

- Runways ( Map Polyline)

- Fuel Stations (Map Point)

- FS Floors (Drawing)

- FS Gates (On Drawing)

- Car Parks (polygon)

- CP Levels (Drawing)

- CP Blocks (On Drawing)

- CP Collection Center (On Drawing)

Consumption Example:

Key screens for Devices

The ‘Add Tag’ remains the same in Sketch or in Planner from Device as shown.

Add Tag in Planner example

Add Tag in Sketch Example 

For Linear Project

A project can be configured as 'Linear'. Tags can be created at the project level by configuring linear segments and also tags can be created for a segment or for part of a segment. 

The nodes for polygon / polyline / Point / BIM / Drawing can be created as per the need of the project just like it has been defined for a Polygon based project.

Example: If a user wants to create a tag for a segment, he will pick the jobsite and then go ahead with the tag creation. If a user wants to create a tag for a child node, then, he first picks the child level and the required location for the selected level.

Last Updated: Dec-10-23