This Smartapp Feature allows Users to add Supplemental Information related to Users, Companies, Projects & Project Locations. For any record created in Users, Companies, for a Project or in Project Locations, we do not have the option to add any supplemental/additional information for a new record being created or for existing records. This feature enables us to map a Smart App, which in turn can accommodate for saving Supplemental or Additional Information.

  • Admin should be able to link/map a specific Smart App in each section (Users, Companies, For a Project & in Project locations) and then add additional information for every smart item that gets created in the background. 

  • This feature enables to add supplemental information for users, companies, Projects and Project locations by configuring an app. The configured App creates a smart Item in the background for every record. User opens the respective item and add the additional information for that record.


Supplemental info for Users

  • User navigates to the 'Project Team' page. User clicks on the 'Supplemental Info' icon in the toolbar.


  • The 'Supplemental Info' popup is displayed to the user.

  • Click on the 'Supplemental App' field. It displays a list of all the Form Apps (no Checklist Apps are listed here).

  • Any App that has already been associated as a Supplemental Info whether in Users/Companies/Project Info/ Locations should show in other places to be associated. An App can ONLY be associated once (Users/ Companies/Project Info/Locations) in one of the locations as supplemental Info.

  • User can pick only an App from the drop down list. Actor picks the relevant app and clicks on the 'Save' button.

Note: If an app is picked accidentally, It can be removed by selecting the NONE option in the App pick list (Image does not show the none option).


  • When a supplemental info app is configured, a new column gets added to the grid and shows the text as 'View/Update Info'.
  • Tapping on SAVE from the previous pop-up will create Smart Items for all the existing data in the background and linked to each of the records as a unique Smart Item. The item will not have any values by default. 

  • Click on the 'View / update Info' link and adds additional information and saves the smart item for existing Items. If a NEW user is added in Project Team, On Save of the User details a new Smart Item will also be created and be linked to this User record as supplemental Info.

          Note: The Smart Item should be configured to have the name as <Username_001>

  • User can add/update supplemental Information for an user in one of the following ways:
  • By Editing the User and clicking on the 'View/Edit Supplemental Info' link at the bottom of the Edit User page.
  • By clicking on the respective hot link for the user in the 'View/Edit Supplemental Info' column in the grid.


  • In both the above scenarios, the Properties(Details) page created for the user in the App will open. User enters the details and saves the Smart Item.


For Tablet & Phone screens (Users)

Note: This link will be shown, only if Supplemental App is configured on the tablet

Note: This link will be shown, only if Supplemental App is configured on the phone.

Supplemental info for Companies

  • User clicks on the 'Supplemental Info' icon in the toolbar. The 'Supplemental Info' popup is displayed to the user.

  • Companies can be of 3 types namely, Prime Contractor, Subcontractor or Material Vendor. Hence the supplemental information for each of them might be different. Hence we allow individual Smart apps to be configured for each type.

Note: Configuration of Supplemental is not mandatory. Hence, if for example, for 'Subcontractor', no app is selected, then, the column 'Supplemental Info' will not show the link for any of the Subcontractor companies. Also, the Edit Company' page will not show the link for Supplemental Info at the bottom of the page.

  • User clicks on the 'Supplemental App' field for 'Prime Contractors' and picks an app. It displays a list of all the Form Apps.

           Note: It should list only Form App and should not list Checklist Apps. Only single selection of an App is allowed.       

  • Any App that has already been associated as a Supplemental Info whether in Users/Companies/ Project Info/ Locations should show in other places to be associated. An App can ONLY be associated once (Users/ Companies/ Project Info/Locations) in one of the locations as supplemental Info.
  • User picks the relevant app for the specific company types and clicks on the 'Save' button.

  • Once the supplemental info app(s) are successfully configured, an additional column 'Supplemental Info' is displayed in the 'Manage Companies' page grid as shown in the mockup.

Note: Supplemental Info column will not show the link for company types which have not been configured with supplemental info app.


  • Taping on SAVE from the previous pop-up, Will create Smart Items for all the existing data in the background and linked to each of the record as a unique Smart Item. The item will not have any values by default. User clicks on the 'View / update Info' link and adds additional information and saves the smart item for existing Items. If a NEW company is added, On Save a new Smart Item will also be created and be linked to this record as supplemental Info.

          Note: The Smart Item should be configured to have the name as <Companyname_001>


  • Actor can add/update supplemental Information for a company in one of the following ways:
  • By Editing the Company and clicking on the 'View/Edit Supplemental Info' link at the bottom of the Edit Company page.
  • By clicking on the respective hot link for the company in the 'View/Edit Supplemental Info' column in the 'Manage Companies' grid.
  • In both the above scenarios, the Properties(Details) page created for the company in the App will open.
  • User enters the details and saves the Smart Item.

          Note: The Smart App should be configured to have its item name as <CompanyName_001>. This is                                    configurable.

For Tablet and Phone screens (Companies)

Note: This link will be shown, only if Supplemental App is configured on the tablet.

Note: This link will be shown, only if Supplemental App is configured on the Phone

Supplemental info for Projects

  • User navigates to the 'Project Settings > Supplemental Info to open the 'Supplemental Info' Pop up.

  • User clicks on the 'Supplemental App' field. It displays a list of all the Form Apps.

          Note: It should list only Form App and should not list checklist apps.

  • Any App that has already been associated as a Supplemental Info wither in Users/Companies/ Project Info/ Locations should show in other places to be associated. An App can ONLY be associated once (Users/ Companies/ Project Info/Locations) in one of the locations as supplemental Info.

  • Actor can pick only App from the drop down list. Actor picks the relevant app and clicks on the 'Save' button.

  • User navigates to Project Settings > Project Info. It opens the Project Information Page. Once the supplemental info app is successfully configured, an additional button 'View/Edit Supplemental Info' button is displayed at the bottom of Project Info details page.

  • User (with permissions can edit, else can only view) can add/update supplemental Information for the project. The Properties(Details) page created for the Project in the configured supplemental App will open. User enters the details and saves the Smart Item.

Note: The Smart Item gets automatically when an App is linked to Project Info, When User clicks on 'View/Edit Supplemental Info' button, the Item details page will be blank and allows the user to update the information. Item should have the name as <ProjectName_001>. This link is not shown in the 'Project Info' page, if the supplemental Info app is not configured.

Note: This link is shown ONLY if Supplemental Info app is configured for the Project. Else, it has to be hidden

For Tablet and Phone screens (Project)

Note: This link will be shown, only if Supplemental App is configured on Tablet or Phone.

Supplemental info Projects Locations

  • In Project Locations, currently, every node can be configured with custom Metadata by clicking on the 'Manage Metadata' toolbar button. Now this has been enhanced to configure supplemental App.


  • User clicks on the Manage Metadata toolbar option to open the Manage Metadata popup. For supplemental data creation, two options are provided namely:
  • Custom Metadata - This is existing functionality where in user can add custom metadata.
  • Supplemental App - User can select an app to add supplemental information for a node and its instances.

  • Actor selects 'Supplemental App' option. Either Custom Metadata or Supplemental Info can be chosen. If Custom Metadata was chosen first and then Supplemental Info is selected, Custom MD column should NOT be shown in the grid. If Custom MD was already configured and User selects Supplemental Info OR Vice-versa, Show an alert pop up, existing data mapped will be deleted, Are you sure you want to continue, OK /Cancel, Clicking on OK will delete all of the previously associated information.

  • Select Supplemental App field is displayed to the user where he selects an App

            Note: Only Form Apps are displayed in the drop down.

  • Any App that has already been associated as a Supplemental Info wither in Users/Companies/ Project Info/ Locations should show in other places to be associated. An App can ONLY be associated once (Users/ Companies/ Project Info/Locations) in one of the locations as supplemental Info.

  • Once the Supplemental App is configured for the selected node, (Buildings in our example), An additional column, Supplemental Info' is displayed in the grid next to all the building as shown below.

  • Every building will have a hot link next to it. Clicking on the hot link will open the Item Properties page created for the link clicked next to the building instance.

  •  Actor can add / view and edit the additional information of the building added in the Smart Item Properties page.

  • Taping on SAVE from the previous pop-up, Will create Smart Items for all the existing data in the background and linked to each of the record as a unique Smart Item. 

  • The item will not have any values by default. User clicks on the 'View / update Info' link and adds additional information and saves the smart item for existing Items. If a NEW Building added, a new Smart Item will also be created and be linked to this User record as Supplemental Info, User will also need to clicks on the 'View / update Info' link to View/Update.

Supplemental Info configured for Floor as an example

  • Below example shows the Floors being configured with a unique Supplemental Info app by selecting the app in the 'Manage Metadata' popup.

  • The additional column, 'Supplemental Info' is displayed with the hot link. For every unique floor of the the selected Building, a smart item would have got created in the background and when clicked on the link, the Properties page of that clicked floor will be popped up. Actor adds the data and saves the smart item.

  • The App selected at the other Nodes has no relevance and is independent of other nodes, At each node, the App has to be independently selected. For Floors, User will need click on Manage Meta data and separately link a new App. An App that is already linked at any other Location nodes previously or at User, Project Team, Companies cannot be associated again, has to be unique at all times.

Supplemental Info Smart Apps

  • Its important to note that, For all the Apps configured as supplemental apps,

  • Will create Smart Items for all the existing data in the background and linked to each of the record as a unique Smart Item and is available in the Smart App associated. If NEW data is added in Project Team/Company/Locations/Project Info , a new Smart Item will be added to the App.
  • Though an App is associated as an Supplemental App, we will NOT apply any restrictions on the App, Users can navigate to the App directly and add new items, However an Item created directly from the App will not have any association to the Project Team/Company/Locations/Project Info data.
  • No restrictions are needed on Supplemental App for use cases related to Spanning/ Custom Button/ Dependent App.


Edit Supplemental Info configuration from Toolbar

  • If user tries to change the already configured Supplemental Info app for Users, Companies , Project or in Project Location, he is shown a warning message, Once an App is changed existing Items in the Old App will be retained (no need to delete them), NEW Items will need to get created automatically in the new App immediately.


  • Users: Choosing a different App will unlink the supplemental info for User. Do you want to continue? Yes / No
  • Companies: Choosing a different App will unlink the supplemental info for Companies. Do you want to continue? Yes / No
  • Project: Choosing a different App will unlink the supplemental info for the Project. Do you want to continue? Yes / No
  • Project Locations: Choosing a different App will unlink the supplemental info for the <node name>. Do you want to continue? Yes / No.


Last Updated: Dec-10-23