This feature allows GCs to efficiently create and manage contracts with Sub Contractors. All these can be managed from the Vendor Contracts section, where the GC can create and manage contracts with the Subcontractors who have been awarded the Bids.

The video below will walk you through how to set up contracts as a GC, and how to review and respond to contracts as a Sub Contractor:


How to create a new Vendor Contract manually?   

Contract Details of a Vendor Contract

How to set Schedule of Values for Vendor Contracts  

How to Add contract files to Vendor Contracts  

Capture Change Events in Vendor Contracts

Payment Ledger for Vendor Contracts

How to verify a system created Vendor Contract from a bid package?    

How to Lock & Post a Vendor Contract?

How to Route a Vendor Contract for Approval?  

How to Accept a Vendor Contract?

How to Update Vendor Contracts?  

Different statuses of a Vendor Contract for Vendor?

Different statuses of a Vendor Contract for GC?   

Last Updated: May-16-24