The video below will guide you on how to import your budget using the Budget Importer:

Budget Items can be imported to our Application, by choosing one of the 

4 File Import Options - New, Replace, Append and Merge

1. Import Budget: TYPE = New

1.1 Invoke Budget Importer

To import budget items in our application, follow these steps:

Access Import Icon: Look for the "Import Icon" on the Budget Manager toolbar.

Select Import Type: If the project has no budget items, only "New" is enabled.

                                  When a project has existing budget items, options include "Replace," "Append," and "Merge."

1.2 Download Template

Download Standard Template: Click "Download Template" to get the standard .xls file.

                                                     The template includes necessary fields for budget line items.

1.3 Browse Files to Upload

Select File:  Choose a budget file following the standard template.

                    Supported formats: XLX & XLSX.

                    Invalid formats trigger inline validation.

Start Import: Click "Start Import" after selecting the file.

                       System validates the file format and requirements.

File Validation: Success: "Budget File Validated Successfully!"

                          Option to notify after completion or stay on the page.

                          Failure: "Budget File Not Imported."

                          Options: "CANCEL IMPORT" or "START OVER."

2. Import Budget: TYPE = Replace

Access Import Icon: Click the import icon on the Budget Manager toolbar.

Import Options:  Types available: "Replace," "Append," "Merge."

                             "New" is hidden if there are existing budget items.

Download Template: Download the standard template, as the Import file should be in the standard format.

Select File: Choose a file following the standard template.

                   Supported formats: XLX & XLSX.

                   Invalid formats trigger inline validation.

Start Import: System checks if existing items are used in finance modules.

                       Confirmation prompt for replacing existing items.

Positive Use Case:  Confirmation "YES": Validation and import process as described in section 1.3.

                                Toast message: "Budget File Imported."

                               Confirmation "NO": Stop import and return to the Budget Importer Pop-Up.

Negative Use Case: Existing Items in Use: Warning: "Cannot import due to existing items in use."

                                  Options: "CANCEL" or "OK."

3. Import Budget: TYPE = Append

Access Import Icon: Click the import icon on the Budget Manager toolbar.

Import Options: Types available: "Replace," "Append," "Merge."

                            "New" is hidden if there are existing budget items.

Download Template:  Download the standard template.

Select File:  Choose a file following the standard template.

                    Supported formats: XLX & XLSX.

                    Invalid formats trigger inline validation.

Start Import: Confirmation prompt for appending new items to existing ones.

                       Append Confirmation:

                      Confirmation "YES":  Validation process and duplicate data check.

                      Import new items with a toast message: "Budget File Imported."

                     Confirmation "NO": Return to the Budget Importer Pop-Up.

4. Import Budget: TYPE = Merge (WIP - Coming soon)


Last Updated: Dec-15-24