Select Manufacturer from Budget Calculator in Quick Add

For Budget Line Items with 'Cost Type' Equipment or Material, users can now easily select equipment from the catalog:

When creating a Budget Line Item with 'Cost Type' Equipment or Material, the Budget Manager selects the relevant 'Cost Type' and enters other required information.

Upon clicking on the Budget calculator, a new "Pick from Catalog" button appears in the Quick Add section.

Clicking on "Pick From Catalog" takes the user to the Catalog Screen.

In the Catalog Screen, the user selects the required Equipment. For instance, if the Equipment Price is $33 each, the Unit Price field is updated accordingly.

 User Selects the required Equipment from the Catalog and Adds it. 

The Unit Price is updated with the Equipment Price picked from the Catalog, and User can update the Unit Quantity

Clicking on the Calculate Button updates the Original Budget amount based on the updated Unit Quantity and Unit Cost (e.g., $33 each for 3 units results in a $99 budget).

Clicking on the Add Option adds the new Budget Line item, associating the equipment with it.

The Manufacturer and Model Number fields are auto-filled based on the selected equipment in the 'Associate Manufacturer and Model' section of the 'Budget Details' tab.

The button indicating the equipment addition turns blue, showing that it was added using the catalog option. Hovering over the button displays a thumbnail of the associated equipment.

Important Note:

Until the Budget Line is used in further Finance Steps like Bids and Contracts, users can select different catalog items any number of times.

Once a Budget Line Item is associated with Bids or Contracts, the 'From Catalog' option renders as READ ONLY.

Update Budget Amount when Catalog Item is selected from Right Pane

If a Catalog Item has not been picked from Quick Add, users can alternatively select it from the Budget Item details:

Click on the "From Catalog" option in the Budget Item details.

The Equipment Catalog is displayed for the user to pick the required equipment.

After selecting the equipment, the Manufacturer and Model Number fields are updated based on the modified equipment section.

Important Note:

This functionality allows users to update the Budget Item COST and Quantity by selecting a Catalog Item using the "From Catalog" button, even if it wasn't initially picked from Quick Add.

User can also add a Manufacturer and Model number manually.

Last Updated: Dec-15-24