Safety Flyer - Login Authentication
- Authenticate the login using the authentication feature in the Safety Flyer by Login/Email/SMS.
Authentication using Login
- To Authenticate with a Login credentials, select on the Login section and click Next.
- Enter the required login credentials and click Submit.
Authentication using Email
- To Authenticate with Email details, select Email section and click Next.
- Enter the email address.
- Once the Email is entered the Request Code button is highlighted requesting the code.
- After clicking on the Request code, a code will be sent to email with a "Security code sent to your Email" message popping up on the screen.
- The Code entered is auto verified by the page and will show Green Tick as shown below. A request to Resend code or edit email Id to get the code can be done as shown below.
- If the code entered is incorrect, a message "Please enter correct code" is displayed.
Authentication using SMS
- Click on the SMS section and enter the phone number for authentication through the phone.
- Once the Phone Number is entered the request code button is highlighted requesting the code.
- Clicking on the Request code will send the code to the Phone along with the "Security code sent to your Phone" message on the screen.
- The Code entered is auto verified by the page and will show Green Tick as shown below. Users can also request to Resend code or edit email Id to get the code.
Authentication using Mobile
- Authenticate the login using the new authentication feature in the Safety Flyer by Login/Email/SMS in Mobile.
Authentication using Login on mobile
- Select Login section and click Next.
- Enter login credentials and submit.
Authentication using Email Address on mobile
- Select Email section and click Next.
- Enter the email address.
- Once the Email is entered the Request Code button is highlighted requesting the code.
- After clicking the Request code, code will be sent to email and "Security code sent to your Email" message pops on the screen.
- The Code entered is auto verified by the page and will show Green Tick as shown below. Users can also request to Resend code or edit email Id to get the code.
- If incase the code entered is incorrect, it will displays a message "Please enter correct code"
Authentication using SMS on mobile
- Select SMS section and click Next.
- Enter the phone number. Once the number is entered the Request Code button is highlighted requesting the code.
- After clicking the Request code, code will be sent to email and "Security code sent to your Email" message pops on the screen.
- Enter the security code.
- The Code entered is auto verified by the page and will show Green Tick as shown below. Users can also request to Resend code or edit phone number to get the code.
Last Updated: Dec-15-24