Safety section in Daily Report

This Safety section has 4 sub sections:

  1. STAs

  2. Safety Permits

  3. Safety Incidents

  4. SOS

1. STAs - It will show all the STAs added by the company and its subs for all the tasks that day. It will have the following columns

  • STA Name - The STA added for a task will be shown in this column. (It is a hyperlink and can be opened by clicking on it).

  • Tasks Name - Task for which the STA was added. It shows NA if it was not specifically added for a task. Tag/Task for which it was added during creation, or later, will be displayed as a hyperlink.

  • STA category - STA category selected 

  • Company - Company of the user who added the STA

  • Trade - Trade of the task

  • Acknowledged By - User who acknowledges STA before starting the work.

2. Safety Permits - It will show all the Safety permits added by the company and its subs for the day for all the tasks. It will have the following columns

  • Permit Name - Permit smart item that gets created on requesting for a permit

  • Task Name - Task name for which the permit was requested. It can be (NA) if the permit was added as a generic one, not specific to a task.

  • Category Type - Category of permit requested. 

  • Company - Company of the user who added the permit request 

  • Request Date - Date on which the permit was requested 

  • Request Duration - Duration for which the permit was requested for. 

  • Trade - Trade of the task for which the permit was requested. 

  • Requested By - user who requested the permit. 

  • Supplemental Info - If the permit is configured with supplemental info, the supplemental info item is shown as a hyperlink. Users can access it by clicking on it. 

  • Status - Status of the permit request (Can be Submitted / Approved / Rejected) 

  • Inspection Frequency: Can be (None / Daily / Weekly,) based on what was set during approval. (If the permit is rejected then , this column will be '–'). 

  • Inspection - will show the Inspection item that gets created for every inspection. It is a hyperlink and can be accessed by clicking on it. 

3. Safety Incidents - This section will show all the safety incident(s) If any for the Prime company and its subs. It has the following columns:

  • Incident Name - Incident item name when it is created. It is a hyperlink and can be clicked to view more details of the incident. 

  • Company - Company for which the incident was created for. 

  • Incident Severity - Low / Medium / High (based on what is configured in the App). 

  • Incident Category - Categories of incident configured in 'Safety Incident Categories', and the category picked for the incident that is created. 

  • Description - Description entered in the Incident smart item. 

  • Status - Statuses of the Workflow configured for the Incident App.

4. SOS - This section will show all the SOSs triggered by individuals on a given day. It has the following


  • Triggered By : Person who triggered the SOS.

  • Company - Company of the user to which he belongs to.

  • Location - Location of from where the SOS was created.

  • Date & Time - Date & Time from where the incident is created.

  • Incident Created - Whether an incident was created or not - Yes / No

  • Incident ID - Link to Smart Item where the incident is created.

Device Screens:

Last Updated: Dec-15-24