Show Certifications as 5th Tab in User Details


This feature lets a Safety or Admin Manager view and verify the certifications of Project Team Members.

  1. All the certifications assigned to the role for which the user belongs are displayed in this 'Certifications Tab'.

  2. Certifications can only be verified by a ‘Safety Manager’ once User  submits the information for verification. 

  3. Safety Manager cannot verify a ‘Test Based Certification’ until the test has been passed by the end user. Once a Safety/Admin Manager checks the 'Verified' checkbox for a certificate, that same becomes certified.

  4. The ‘Certifications Tab’ contains the following:

  5. Progress Bar: Progress Bar showing ‘Completed’ certifications in Green, remaining bar shows in light grey.

  6. Progress bar Text: '<X> of <N> certifications successfully completed'.

  7. Enable  (ON/OFF Toggle) - Safety Admin has the option to Enable (Turn ON) or Disable (Turn OFF) the certification for the selected User.

  8. Certificates/Certifications - Name of each Certificate/Certification. Version Shows under name for individual documents.

  9. Certification Badge For ‘Test Based Certifications’, Safety Admin can click to view test results for that Test Certificate. A Certification badge will show on the Thumbnail with the following states:

  • Grey Certification Badge - User has ‘Not Yet’ taken the Test.

  • Green Certification Badge - User has ‘Passed’ the Test.

  • Red Certification Badge - User has ‘Failed’ the Test.

  1. Certificate/Certification Thumbnail - The Certificate/Certification thumbnail has different functionality depending on the Certificate/Certification:

  • Upload Certificates (Not Yet uploaded) - For certificates that have not been uploaded where ‘Safety Manager’ is able to ‘Upload a Certificate’ from the desktop.

  • Upload Certificates - Files already uploaded for Certificates where the User has already uploaded files, the ‘Safety Manager’ can click to view uploaded documents.

  • Test Based Certifications - Files Already Uploaded - The Safety Manager can click to view uploaded documents.

G. Renewal/Expiration Date - The Renewal/Expiration date has different functionality depending on the Certificate/Certification:

  • Upload Certificates (Track Expiration set to ON) - If ‘Track Expiration’ is set to ON when the certificate was created, then  the ‘Renewal/Expiration Date field’ will be ‘Active’. The Renewal/Expiration

  • Date will need to be filled out before the certificate can be Verified. 

  • Upload Certificates (Track Expiration Set to OFF) - If Track Expiration was set to OFF, then the Renewal/Expiration Date Field will be Disabled & Grayed Out. 

  • Test Based Certification (Requires Renewal Set to ON) - If Requires Renewal was set to ON when the Test Based Certification was created, then the Renewal/Expiration Date field will be calculated based on date, the Test Based Certificate was verified and the number of days entered into the Requires Renewal field.

EX. Safety Manager verifies a Test Based Certification on September 1, 2021. The Test Based Certification has a Requires Renewal of <60 Days>. The Renewal Date is Calculated as September 1, 2021 + <60 days>

H. Verified - Safety Manager can verify certificates at any point with ‘Test Based Certifications’, Safety Manager can Verify once the User has Passed the Test. 

I. Verified On/By - Once the Safety Manager verifies a certificate/certification, the verified On/by field

will show as <09/01/2021, Joe Black> 

J. Save Button - clicking the 'Save' button will save any changes the Safety Manager has made.

Device View:



Safety/Admin or Admin views ‘Test Based Certification’ Results


In Project Setting - Project Team, in User Details under the 'Certifications Tab' option, a Safety Manager or Admin can click on a 'Test Based Certification' that has been completed to view a User's Test Results.

1. Admin or Safety Manager clicks on a 'Test based Certification' that has already been completed to view Test Results.

NOTE: Test Based Certifications have a Badge in the top right corner of the Thumbnail. Completed Badge color is GREEN.



2. A Popup 'Test Results' window will appear with a cover page and results for the 'Test Based Certification'. The 'Cover Page' window contains the following:

a. Header: Test Results: <05/11/2021>

b. Status Badge: Passed (Green) or Failed (Red) - This is based on the ‘Number of correct Answers’ required to pass the test, which was set by Admin/Safety Manager on ‘Test creation’.

c. Test Document Name: <Safety Guidelines>

d. Test Taker: Review answers of <Aimee Mullins>

e. User Information: User Head Icon, Name, Trade & Company.

f. Test Results: Date of Test: <06/12/21 3:54 PM> Result <PASSED>, Total Questions <20>, Correct <15>,

Incorrect <5>

d. Previous test History - Listed Out, <1> <FAILED> with Score - <23%> on <05/13/21 10:45 AM>, <2> FAILED with Score - <14%> on<05/18/21 10:12 PM>




3. The Test Results Pages contain the following:

a. Header: Test Results: <05/11/2021>

b. Test Document Name: <Safety Guidelines>

c. Test Taker: Review answers of <Aimee Mullins>

d. Test Results with User Answers.

NOTE: For Incorrect Answers, a 'Right Answer' Badge will show next to the Right Answer(s).




Safety Admin/Admin 'Uploads Certificate' File from Certification Tab


In Project Settings: Project Team, in User Details under the 'Certifications Tab' option, a Safety Manager or Admin has the option to take a photo or Upload Certificate.

 1. Admin clicks on an 'Upload Certification' Thumbnail to upload one or more Upload Certification files.


2. A Toast appears with 2 options: Take Photo and Upload. Safety Manager clicks on the 'DONE' option.

Note: On Devices, with Camera Capabilities like Laptops, Users will see the 'Take Photo' option. If the Device does not have any photo taking capabilities, the user would only be able to 'upload', hence the upload screen would appear.


3. Safety Admin Selects Files to Upload and clicks the Open Button.

4. With Images Opened, Safety Admin has the option to Edit or Delete any of the selected Files.

5. Safety Admin clicks the 'DONE' button to Upload the selected Images.


6. With the Images Uploaded, The Uploaded Image will show in the File Thumbnail. Additionally, a Blue

Circle will show with a <+1> for a number of additional photos uploaded.


Quick View of Upload Images

Double clicking on an image in the 'Upload Images' window will Open the Quick View option>

1. Safety Admin double clicks on an Image to see a Quick View of the Image.


2. The Standard Quick View window shows the Image with Name & click through to additional image.



Resend the Certification Link

In Project Settings: Project Team, in User Details in the 'Certifications Tab', there is a New 'Resend the

Certification Link' that when clicked, will send the Certification Link to the selected User.

1. Admin or Safety Admin clicks on the 'Resend the Certification Link' Button.

2. With the Certification Link clicked, Admin will see a Toast stating "Certification link sent successfully!".

3. The Worker Registration Email with Certification link gets sent to User. User can click on the 'Certifications' button to manage Certifications.


3. User is sent to the Manage Certificates/Certifications URL after clicking the 'Certifications' Button.


When all Certifications have been Completed

 When all certifications/quizzes completed, User will see the following:

a. A Green Check Next to Each Completed Certification

b. A Green Check in a Circle, Next to the Certifications Tab Name.

c. The 'X of N certifications successfully Completed' shows as complete, with the Progress Bar showing as Green.

When No Certificates/Certifications are available for Use

In the Project Team Panel in Project Settings, Under the 'Certifications' Tab, when No Certificates/

Certifications are available for a User, Safety Admin will see the Following Watermark.

New Columns in Project Team 

In the Project Team Panel in Project Settings, with 'Safety Settings' selected, there are 2 new Project Team Columns.

a. Policy Status (NEW) - This Column shows the Policy Status for each Team Member. There are 2 Policy

Status States:

a. Worker Acknowledge - When Worker has Acknowledged all policies

b. NA - When no policy exists

c. Pending - When Policy is pending Acknowledge

b. Certification Status (NEW) - This Column shows the Certification Status for each Team Member.

There are 4 Certification Status States:

a. NA - If no certifications are available or the worker never submits certifications.

b. Verified - A Certification has been Verified by the Safety Manager.

c. Verified - Awaiting Update - A Certification that has previously been Verified by the Safety

Manager and Requires Renewal but has Not yet Expired. Needs to be Verified again by the Safety


d. Not Verified - A Certification that has Not Yet Been Verified by the Safety Manager.

e. Expired - A Certification that has Expired.


Last Updated: Dec-15-24