Change Events

Change Events Overview
Smartapp Finance™ offers a robust Change Events feature that streamlines the process of managing change orders between the GC and the Client. The video ...
Thu, 16 May, 2024 at 10:54 AM
Create Change Event
Changes in a project are usually recorded as Change Events. These Change Events are associated with Client and Vendor Contracts for tracking purposes. To ac...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Modify Change Event Details, Budget Line Items, Reference Files
Managing Change Events efficiently and with a user-friendly interface is crucial. Here's a breakdown of how it works: Change Event Details Tab: N...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Submit Change Event
When a user is ready to submit a Change Event, a streamlined process is followed to ensure clear communication between the parties. To submit a Change Event...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Managing Change Event Requests as Client
Clients play a pivotal role in overseeing Change Event Requests and ensuring they align with project goals. This article outlines the options for responding...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 12:18 PM
System auto-creates new Client & Vendor Contracts for a Change Event
This article delves into the process of automated contract creation when dealing with Change Events. Specifically, it explores the scenario in which a Chang...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Manually update Client & Vendor Contracts for a Change Event
This guide explains the process of manually updating Vendor and Client Contracts after a Change Event has been approved. It covers the necessary steps, from...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Send Quote Request to Vendors
If the GC would like the vendors to give accurate quotes for a Work Item that is part of a Change Event, and has a vendor contract associated, they can requ...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Vendor Responds to Quote Requests
This guide explains how Vendors / Subcontractors (with ‘Respond to Quote Requests for my Company’ permission) can respond to quote requests for Change Event...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Manage Quotes from Vendors
Three key actions can be taken by a General Contractor (GC) when reviewing quotes received from vendors in response to Change Event requests. Accept Quo...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 12:18 PM